Have you ever wondered what horticulture actually means? While you may have come across this term through your passion for gardening, or stumbled upon it at your local plant centre, we promise it’s more fascinating than you’ve probably imagined!
Because it’s not one thing, Horticulture in fact covers a vast array of plant science – its scope can fall anywhere between the home vegetable patch and running a large commercial garden. A unique blend of science and art, in practice it requires a deep understanding of different environments and their effects on plant life.
Because the scope can be so large, experts have narrowed down the different ‘types’ of horticulture, sometimes also called ‘branches’ (get it!). Each one of these branches has a specific subject matter and a specific purpose.
So in this blog, we’ll be breaking down the 4 main areas of horticulture, plus providing valuable information about the horticulture industry in Australia as published by Plant and Food Research, and finally, we will explain how you can learn this fascinating, ground-breaking knowledge with an online course in horticulture too.
Let’s get started.