We all know that one person who always has their nose in a book…that person may even be yourself!
Reading is one of the most fundamental skills we earn in childhood, and while most of the things we grew up reading helped to grow our imaginations, finding careers in reading and writing can become a reality too. International Grammar software company Grammarly has a great blog with a list of some of the most ‘in-demand writing careers’ – you gotta trust the experts!
The importance of careers in reading and writing
Every career will deal with reading and writing in one way or another; whether it is emails, notices, project layouts or team briefs and company documents, there is no escaping the lure of literacy. Language is vast and various, with a rich history no matter where in the world you are. It is how we communicate, tell stories, make change and art; it is at the heart of human connection.
In addition to being vital to day-to-day life and work, reading and writing can be extremely beneficial for our emotional wellbeing too.
What careers involve reading?
Whilst most jobs require reading skills, we have compiled a list of some of the careers that involve reading most extensively and which may spark a word-lovers’ interest:
Proofreading careers are in huge demand, as pretty much every business will release writings of some kind that will need to be spell and grammar checked.
One of the best careers for fast readers, a proofreader must be thorough yet efficient, with a keen eye for grammar, how things read and scanning copy for errors, catching mistakes quickly and with ease. Proofreaders can check anything from medical reports and vital documents to blogs and creative content – if it’s written down, it’s going to need someone to check it!
Looking into proofreading courses could be a beneficial move to get your career as a proofreader off to the best possible start. There is sure to be a multitude of proofreading courses in New Zealand, both in-person and online.
Similarly to proofreaders, copywriters are often in exceptionally high demand. The job involves being commissioned various documents, working from a set stimulus and structure to create work in whichever sector requires it. This can be anything from blogs and social media content to full-blown novels and is an excellent way to flex your writing muscles, offering you the opportunity to write in lots of different styles and genres.
Amongst some of the most high-paying jobs for readers, there are many different rungs on the editorial ladder to choose from. Whether you want to start your own business, get the chance to edit and rework different styles of copy, or perhaps you’re looking for high-end book and script editing a la Sandra Bullock in The Proposal… wherever your literary passion lies, editor roles are top-notch careers for those seeking an upward career trajectory and competitive salary.
Journalist / Magazine Columnist
Journalism and writing for magazines and newspapers is often an exciting and thrilling job. It can involve travel, on-the-ground work in different locations, sharing information and telling stories in a unique and honest way. The work of journalists and columnists is vital in the sharing of information throughout the world, exposing people to ideas and incidents that we otherwise may not be aware of. If you have the heart of an explorer, this could be the perfect career for you!
A job that may take a little time to take off, but an extremely rewarding job nonetheless. There will never be too many books in the world, and there will always be a demand for new, challenging, exciting writing, whether fiction or nonfiction, to inspire and inform the people of the world.
Do you have a fascination for history and ancient writings? Have you perhaps considered a career as an archivist? Organising historical documents and getting them ready to be preserved and stored correctly can be a fascinating job. You will get to work with ancient artefacts for a wide range of time periods, some of which will need careful handling and be one of a kind, as well as opening up the opportunity to uncover information from the past that has never been seen before.
A totally dreamy job, librarians and booksellers must have a wide breadth of literary knowledge and an extensive reading repertoire in order to be able to guide customers to the best material. Spending their days amongst hordes of books, as well as getting the opportunity to host author meetings, talks and readings, book launches and events, careers as a librarian or bookseller are pretty much number one for those who love to read.
A career that has massively grown in popularity and demand in recent years, translating jobs are completely focused on language. Whether it is translating manuscripts into various languages, deciphering documents or even translating the spoken, this is a job that requires extensive reading and writing skills in multiple languages.
Want to explore more career options?
Here at My Learning Online, we have a wide variety of professionally tailored courses in multiple business sectors. Not only will you learn new skills on one of our online courses, but you will also have opportunities to network with like-minded people, opening doors for different job opportunities and business ventures.
We are an online learning environment where, yep, you guessed it, all of our courses are completely online, giving you the flexibility to work your learning around your schedule and lifestyle. For courses that require it, we will send you your very own kit straight to your front door, with everything you will need to get started.
Each of our courses comes with a downloadable brochure with more information on course content, accessing your learning online, tutor support and more. We also have course fee payment plans available to make the financial side of things that little bit easier.
Where will your love of reading take you?